Okay, so this is two days in a row that I have reposted a blog entry by Seth Godin. When I run across something as powerful as this post and the one from yesterday, I can't help but pass it along!
What's off the table?
No project is conceived in a vacuum, no decision in isolation and no negotiation with a clean sheet of paper.
But do you know what you're not willing to consider?
If a newspaper company is planning its future, is shutting down the printing presses an option even being considered? Or is it off the table?
Plan a rabbi's wedding and you probably shouldn't even bother to pitch BLT sandwiches or lobster. It's off the table. Not being considered.
Personal marketing plans run into the unstated table problem all the time. Is it off the table for you to quit your job, drop out of school, go back to school, speak up to your boss? I'm not asking if it's going to work or not, I'm just wondering if the possibility is even on the table. If you're not willing to consider it, you can bet you're going to sabotage the thinking that goes into evaluating the choice.
Big marketing breakthroughs always come from doing something that everyone else says is off the table.
Blogging and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. are often "off the table" as far as many are concerned.
Here are the common objections I hear:
We are afraid to blog for compliance reasons. Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and a number of other large financial institutions have very active blogs. It is not only possible to blog and remain in compliance, it is easy! Have your compliance people write some basic guidelines of language to avoid (trigger terms).
If we have a blog we open ourselves to being publicly criticized. This is my favorite misconception about blogging and social media! You are more at risk of receiving negative publicity by not using a blog, social media, and Web 2.0+. By having a blog, being in Facebook, etc. you have an opportunity to monitor comments and take corrective action proactively.
Obviously "What's off the table?" applies to almost everything in life and business. I have chosen to point out "reasons" I hear when I bring up social media to banks, finance, and real estate professionals.
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I highly recommend following the blog of Seth Godin. It is packed full or useful information that is quick and easy to read on a daily basis! http://sethgodin.typepad.com
Jeff Simpkins, Book Yourself Solid Certified Coach
Community Bank Consulting, Inc.
Office Direct: (704) 644-3868
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